temperature measuring devices

Different Types of Temperature Measuring Devices

Today we will discuss about temperature measuring devices. Temperature is a physical quantity which is defined as the hotness or coldness of any object or substance. We can calibrate temperature in different scales and in different units according to our requirements. Kelvin (k) is the international system of units (SI) of temperature, other than Kelvin …

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Nuclear Power Plant : Principle, Consturction, Working, Advantages and Disadvatages

As we all heard about different types of power plants which are used for power generation by using different kinds of fuels like steam power plant, hydro power plant etc. like all of these power plants one type of power plant which is developing very fast is known as Nuclear power plant. Nuclear power plant …

Nuclear Power Plant : Principle, Consturction, Working, Advantages and Disadvatages Read More »

Differences between Francis and Kaplan turbines

Francis and Kaplan both the turbines come under category of reaction turbine i.e. both kinetic and pressure energy require for the power generation. In both the cases hydraulic energy of water gets converted into useful power output so these are also known as hydraulic turbine. Francis turbine is old turbine. The invention of Kaplan turbine …

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Francis Turbine: Construction, Working and Application

What is Francis Turbine? Full Notes with Diagram

Francis turbine is a type of hydraulic turbine which is used to convert hydraulic energy of water into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is further used for different purpose like electricity generation. Francis turbine is a type of reaction turbine i.e. here pressure is not remain same throughout the turbine. Francis turbine is named on …

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Reaction Turbine : Basic Principle, Construction and Working

As we all know about the turbine. They have vast application and can be classified in different ways. According to water flowing through the turbine runners, turbines are classified in two categories i.e. impulse turbines and reaction turbines. Pelton wheel turbine is the type of impulse turbine but here we talk about only reaction turbine. …

Reaction Turbine : Basic Principle, Construction and Working Read More »