Difference between Orthogonal and Oblique Cutting

Today we will discuss about difference between orthogonal and oblique cutting. What is Orthogonal Cutting? What is Oblique Cutting? Metal cutting or commonly known as machining, is the most common phenomenon used in manufacturing industries. Every product, big or small, undergoes a machining process to get final product. So the knowledge of basic types of …

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Hydraulic Turbine: Working, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages

Today we will learn about hydraulic turbine and its types, working, advantages and disadvantages and. Hydraulic turbine which are generally known as water turbine used to convert hydraulic energy or we can say that energy of water (kinetic and pressure energy of water)  into mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is further used to drive a …

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Casting Defects : Types , Causes and Remedies

In this article we will learn about casting defects its causes and remedies. Defects are common phenomenon in any engineering process. There is such limitation of any process, which causes defects. The proper designing and moulding can give a defect free cast but due to some control limitation and human interference, defects are generally occur. …

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Gas Turbine : Types, Advantages, Disadvantages, working and Application

Today we will learn about types, advantages and disadvantages, application and working of gas turbine. There are different gas turbines which used in different conditions. Gas turbine is mainly used air as the working fluid. The air is taken from atmosphere and compressed into a compressor. The compressed air is passed through combustion chamber where …

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