What is Wind Turbine? What are Main Types of Wind Turbines?

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Today we will discuss about what is wind turbine and types of wind turbines. We all know about turbine and how it works. Wind turbine is a major source of renewable energy.
A wind turbine is a machine for converting the kinetic energy of wind
into mechanical. If the mechanical energy is used directly as a pump or
grinding, the machine is called windmill. But if this mechanical energy is
converted into electrical energy, the machine is called wind generator.

What is Wind Turbine? What are Main Types of Wind Turbines?

The main parts
of a wind turbine are a rotor, a rotor hub, gearbox, generator to generate
electricity. The rotor blades capture wind energy and transfer its power to the
rotor hub. The rotor hub connected through the gearbox which speeds up the
speed of rotating shaft. This shaft is further connected to the electric
generator to generate electricity.  This
is the basic principle of wind turbine. There are  many types of wind turbines. These are as

Types of Wind Turbines:

Today source of energy is the one of the
most important factor which may be considered. The wind energy is the one of
the most useful and renewable source of its. There are many types of wind
turbines. These may classified as follow:

According to use of wind turbine:

1. Windmills

If the mechanical energy generated by the
wind turbine is directly used for mechanical work such as grinding or pumping,
this type of wind turbine is known as windmill.

What is Wind Turbine? What are Main Types of Wind Turbines?

2. Wind generator

If the mechanical energy generated by the wind
turbine is further convert into electrical energy through the generator or the
mechanical energy generated by turbine is used to drive a generator, this type
of wind turbine is known as wind generator.

What is Wind Turbine? What are Main Types of Wind Turbines?

According to the axis of rotation

1. Horizontal axis wind turbine

If the axis of rotating of blades of
turbine is parallel to the ground or horizontal, the wind turbine is known as
horizontal axis wind turbine. In this type of wind turbine the rotating axis of
turbine blade is parallel to the ground. This is the most common wind turbine
which widely used to commercially. Accorinng to design these wind turbines are
classified as follow

a. Up wind turbine

b. Down wind turbine

c. Shrouded wind turbine

It has an added structural design which
increases the amount of air passes through the turbine blade.

What is Wind Turbine? What are Main Types of Wind Turbines?

2. Vertical axis wind turbine

If the axis of rotating of blades of
turbine is parallel to the ground or horizontal, the wind turbine is known as
horizontal axis wind turbine. In this type of wind turbine the rotating axis of
turbine blade is parallel to the ground. There are very few vertical axis wind
turbine because they do not take advantage of higher wind speed at higher
elevation above the ground. According to design they are classified as follow

a. Savonius wind turbine

This type of wind turbine has S shaped. It
run relatively slow but generates high torque. This wind turbine is used to
grinding or pumping. Due to its slow rotation speed, this is not used to
generate electricity.

What is Wind Turbine? What are Main Types of Wind Turbines?

b. Flapping panel wind turbine

This wind turbine used the wind coming from
all direction and the wind turbine work according to it.

c. Darrieus wind turbine

It is the most popular wind turbine. It has
two or three C shaped blades. This wind turbine needs to start before the wind
will rotate it.

What is Wind Turbine? What are Main Types of Wind Turbines?

Today we have discussed about what is wind turbine and types of wind turbines. If you have any query kindly ask by commenting below.

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